Of course The Wetherby Beer Festival is set to be a fantastic social occasion, bringing together the whole community for drinks, food and time with family and friends but it's also and, more importantly perhaps. in aid of raising much needed funds to support the development of the, loved and well used, local grassroots sports facilities at Grange Park.
Established in 1988 the sports ground and clubhouse at Grange Park is home to four local clubs:
Wetherby RUFC Kirk Deighton Junior Football Club Wetherby Lawn Bowls Club
Wetherby Padel Tennis
Together these clubs provide the opportunity for local adults and children to get active, make new friends and enjoy sport every weekend.
100% of the profits generated from the Wetherby Beer Festival will do good in our community.
In 2024 90% of the profits be ploughed in to Grange Park, to ensure we can continue to serve our community in the years ahead. and 10% will be donated to local projects/good causes that benefit the wider community - including Martin House Children's Hospice.
The money raised for Grange Park will help to - Keep WRUFC and KDR Jr affordable for all - keeping membership subs low and sport accessible - Enable the investment in the grounds so we continue to provide an excellent and safe playing environment - Invest in new infrastructure like the solar panels we recently funded which will reduce on going energy costs - Finish the car park hard standing - and more!
So come along to the festival, enjoy a beer, sample some food and know that you're helping to make our community even better!
For those supporting the event from a corporate perspective the following good causes will benefit directly and indirectly from the profits raised from this event:
Grange Park Sports Club, registered community amateur sports club: CASC00807 will be the main beneficiary of the profit and will be the custodian of the funds, allocating these funds to projects which benefit club users and the community more widely.
Wetherby Rugby Club: registered charity number 1148868 and Kirk Deighton Rangers Junior Football Club: Registered Charity number: 1128766 and Wetherby Lawn Bowls Club who use the facilities at Grange Park will all benefit from the improvements to the facilities made possible by the monies raised.
10% of the profits will be donated to other local causes / small projects. We have already selected Martin House Children's Hospice as a beneficiary and are looking at other projects that we can support too. Martin House is a registered charity number 517919